Sandi McGinnis

Sandi’s Theatre interests began by studying with instructors of the Pasadena Playhouse, where many American film actors of note have received training. She graduated with an Honors double major in Theatre/English and an award for set painting. Once she returned to Canada she worked in the Vancouver Professional Theatre Community before relocating to the Sunshine Coast to raise her daughter.

She has been involved in the local Theatre and Arts community for many years. Over that time she has created performances of both published and original work. Highlights have included: travelling with Suncoast Players to the Theatre BC Provincial play competitions and workshops; co-producing a 10 day Festival of invited guest performers, several Originally Themed Collaborations of visual art, dance and music, coordinating several years of the Film Series, as well as 10 years producing travelling theatre artists for the SC Arts Council; writing and performing a one woman play, working as a technician at Heritage Playhouse, being elected President of Driftwood Players and in 2010 co-founding Driftwood Theatre School.

In 2015, after several years of working on the idea, Sue Milne finally talked her into trying to revive the Speech and Dramatic Arts discipline for the local Festival. She gives thanks to the adult performers who have formed the core of the discipline presenters over the years and is thrilled to once again have youth performers participating.